Class Timetable

ClassAge GroupsLocationTimesContent
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and FridaysSenior SchoolBrentwood School studentsDay time, lunch time and after school lessonsActing, Verse and Prose, Devising Drama, Shakespeare or Public Speaking LAMDA lessons
SaturdayAges 5-18 in three age group classesBecket Keys School, Brentwood.9.30-12.30amACT, SING, DANCE, FUN!
Plus two shows per year
LAMDA Exam ClassesBecket Keys School, Brentwood.12.30-1.30pmActing, Verse and Prose, Devising Drama, Shakespeare or Public Speaking LAMDA Class
After School Online5-18Online via ZoomMon - Friday OnlineActing, Verse and Prose, Devising Drama, Shakespeare or Public Speaking LAMDA Class